Friday, January 31, 2014

Heading in the right direction

  Thank goodness it's Friday. Can I get an Amen? 

Let me tell you, this week has been something else. With my emotions running high, being completely stressed out and worried about finances, Baby S teething again, not thinking I was making great choices {but not giving up}, family members getting sick and having surgeries, and being so busy in our every day life that I feel like I don't even get quality time with my husband... *deep breath* it's been a long week.

After everything,
I woke up this morning a little hesitant for my Friday Morning Weigh In. To my surprise, I'm down another 2.5 lbs. from last week {228.5}. All I can say is, at least I'm consistent! A loss is a loss and I'm heading in the right direction. My awesome followers have been my cheerleaders! Reminding me to stay positive. I'm on track; slow and steady wins the race. Thanks girls!

So I have to share this totally adorbs idea that is going around on Pinterest. If you have seen it already, then my apologies for being out of the loop! I think it's completely awesome and I plan on doing this DIY project in my near future:

Isn't that clever? If you are a busy mom like me then you know how hard it is to remember to drink water; Trying to get in several bottles a day? Forget about it! Well no more forgetting with this cute idea. I love this. If you have to, just chug it down at each time frame and you'll still reap the benefits. CHUG, CHUG, CHUG!

And this. YES! This photo comes from my friend's Instagram page. Her version is bigger and better. Plus, I like that song! *DRANK!* Get creative and have fun with it. It's helpful to do little things to encourage healthy choices. {Thank you Pinkey for being such a good example!!}

Here is a fun idea to track and encourage weight loss:

It's nice to have a visual. Not only will you see the numbers on the scale moving and the inches off your body, but also the reward of emptying your jar! FUN!

Another visual I recommend is taking BEFORE and AFTER pictures. I know, I know. Getting in front of a camera when you're overweight is painful. Hide it away. You don't ever have to show anyone, if you don't want! Keep it for yourself. One day you will be much smaller, more fit and more confident. You will want to see the difference; I guarantee it. I don't know about you, but I try my HARDEST to get out of pictures. There have been a few, unfortunately, that I haven't been able to escape. Exhibit A and B below:

A      B
{BOOOO! No makeup, "mom hair," and clothes that didn't fit. So embarrassing!}

It's so eye opening to see myself in a picture. I think I look completely different from how I see myself in the mirror. I know I'm big, but sometimes I "forget" how out of control it has gotten. {Because it's painful to think about.}

Another thing I'd recommend is measuring yourself, especially if you've had a baby. I learned quickly that even if you are the same "size" or even the same weight you have been in the past... after a baby, it means nothing. You may still feel you look heavy, but the number on the scale is lower than it's been in a while OR you could feel like you're looking good, but the number on the scale is still high. You may weigh the same that you weighed before you got big and pregnant, but none of your pre-pregnancy clothes fit. Either way, things are different now. A good representation is the way your clothes fit, how you feel, and the inches you have lost.

Well, I hope y'all have a blessed weekend! If you're going to a Super Bowl Party {GO BRONCOS!}, even if you're going just to watch the commercials,  try to make healthy choices! If you can't find something healthy... drink a lot of water and don't over-indulge. Portion control, portion control! Good luck!


  1. Hey Lauren! Thanks for the shoutout on the Diet Bet! You're adorable and we can totally do this. Cheers to one day at a time! :-)

    1. Awe thanks Wendy! We got this girl ;) Thanks for stopping by!!

  2. Before I started losing weight, I didn't realize just how much I avoided looking at myself in the mirror. Taking before photos was hard because I had to really look to get the picture in focus. You can do it!

    1. Exactly! I only look when I have to... It's awful. I'm taking a very open and honest look at myself, through this blog, and I believe it's really going to help me be successful. I have to stop avoiding and live in reality, this is life... For now. It's temporary, but I have to face the "demons." Thanks for the comment. (:

  3. I love the ideas. Thanks for sharing. I am new to not being in denial and actually working on my weightloss, and am looking for ideas for things to do to help me along. I will mark my bottles and drink more water!!

    1. It's tough to move past "being in denial," but the fact that you are aware of it is a giant step in the right direction- so GO YOU!
      I love the water bottle, too! I hope it helps you to be successful in your weightloss goals. Thanks for reading!
