Monday, January 20, 2014

A little life lesson from Megan on "Bridemaids"...

I'm baaaaaack!

My poor little Baby S ended up having a tooth pop up! We believed he had been teething for, like, 2 months {with all the chewing, biting and drooling going on}. So glad he finally cut that tooth. It took forever. Whoever says babies don't get fevers when they teeth are just plain silly. Every tooth he has had he has been super fussy, acting sickly, and has at least a low-grade fever. This time, it was a little worse.

I can't say that I'm 100% sure he wasn't a little sick, too. He may have had a 24 hour virus. I say this because, now, mommy is sick... It's a real bummer!

I went to church yesterday, but as soon as I came home I crashed! I slept all afternoon only to wake up at 2 p.m. so I could eat, and back down I went. It was definitely needed. THANK YOU HUBBY FOR LETTING ME REST! Resting up helps me feel better faster! Too bad there is no rest for the weary, when you have a baby, and daddy is at work. Boo

I'm ready to be well so I can get back to the gym!! Get it girl!

While my pitiful self was lying in bed, I flipped the t.v. channel over to "Bridemaids." I don't know whether you've seen that movie or not, but it is hilar! I normally wouldn't use something so silly as a point of reference for motivation, but it was too good not to! In this scene, Melissa McCarthy {Megan} is 'beating' on Kristen Wiig {Annie}, telling her that she needs to fight for her life!

I'm going to edit the graphic language:

"No, No I don’t think you want any help you just want to have a little pity party. I think Annie wants a little pity party. You’re a butthole Annie, you’re a butthole, I’m life, is life bothering you Annie? I’m life Annie, I’m life Annie, is life bothering you? Fight back for your life. You better learn to fight for your life! I’m life and I’m going to bite you in the butt. *bites Annie on the butt*  It’s not me, I’m your life. *pushes Annie around* I’m trying to get you to fight for your crappy life. And you won’t do it, you just won’t do it!"

Then she tells Annie a little story about herself {which I left out, and skipped to the end of her story} and how Annie can choose to live a life where she feels sorry for herself or she can better herself, solve her own problems, and love life!

"No you gotta stop feeling sorry for yourself, okay? Because I do not associate with people that blame the world for their problems- because you’re your problem Annie and you’re also your solution."

You are your problem. And you are your solution. Wow... this was so profound to me! Firstly, I want to translate this to all of us, not just this fictional character, Annie. 'Megan' says that we just want to throw a pity party. It's kind of like, when we say "I'm so fat and miserable," but do nothing about it. Awe, feel sorry for me that I hate my life and I won't change anything.
No! That's pathetic. Don't do this to yourself! If you are unhappy with something in your life, whether it is your weight or appearance, change it! Life happens. Life is unfair. Life is what you make it. {YOLO ANYONE? Ha!} You cannot complain about these things. You especially cannot throw a pity party if you have no plans on making things better. 

Secondly, 'Megan' says that she doesn't associate with people who blame the world for their problems. We are our problem. But better than that? We are our solution!

Whatever is wrong in your life... you can turn it around! God gave us this amazing ability to choose. It's called free-will. He is always with us and when he opens a door, we have to step through it. His door of opportunity may not always be what we want, hoped for or expected, but it is certainly His will; His will be done! He knows what's best for us and as long as we follow Him, pray, and are faithful - we will know the right path for our lives.

I'm trying my best to not feel sorry for myself. Yes, I put myself in this situation and I will have to get myself out of it. I accept that completely. This is no one's fault but my own. I know what I need to do to fix my "problem," - what I can do to be my solution. God gives me the strength to get through the hard times. My faith in Him will continue to get me through, because I know He has great things planned for my life! I want to be around for a long time for my son, healthy and happy. 

Ps. I want this work out tank! LOL
(Yes, it is driving me nuts that the shirt has a spelling error, minus that, I still want it!)

Heb. 11:1, Heb. 11:6
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."

"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."

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