Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Just Dancercise

Yesterday I had the pleasure of enjoying a nice, long, hot shower with Pandora blasting loud through the speakers. {Sam took the baby out, so I was home a lone.} It's one of the many things that I absolutely adore! Playing my music at an absurd volume and singing in the shower. I don't really get to do it anymore; whether I'm in the car or in the shower/bath, with little ears around, I have to keep it at a reasonable volume. 

There is just something about music. It's so fun! It evokes such strong emotions. I can cry to a song, or laugh, or dance, or feel romantic... so many different styles of music that creates different feelings. The best feeling though? The feeling of wanting to lose absolute control, let loose, be silly {or "cool"} and DANCE!

I love dancing! I love to feel like I look good doing it, too. I don't really dance around anymore though. I'll dance in the shower, when I'm alone, when no one is watching, and where no one can judge me. I know I don't look as good being big, moving flopping around. Everything jiggling, everything flapping, the right body parts aren't moving the way their suppose to. It looks sloppy and pretty gross. {In my opinion...} When I'm a smaller size, I felt kind of sexy when I would dance. I think I have some rhythm. I'm by no means saying I had great moves, but let's just say "Baby Got Back." I've been able to use that to my advantage {before "twerking" was even a thing... HA!} and drop it like it's hot. {Like my song references?}

So yesterday, while I was enjoying my "me" time, I realized how much I miss just dancing around! Dancing is an excellent way to exercise. It's really good cardio. I get easily winded now days, so just getting that movement in would be great! What better way to convince myself to get in the movement everyday than to do something I love and totally enjoy? 

If you're interested in using dancing as exercise and wondering what's involved, here are some "how-to" tips for getting started:

  1. First, there are no rules to dancercising.
  2. You don't have to know how to dance for dancercising.
  3. Crank up your favorite jams!
  5. Don't hurt yourself or others.
  6. Give yourself plenty of space.
  7. If you want - you can even dancercise with headphones on, on your favorite workout equipment, and go match pace with your music.
  8. If all your "moves" fail, just wiggle and flail. {See first GIF}
  9. This isn't about being cute or attractive...
  10. This is about getting your heart rate up and having fun!

{Note: you probably want to do this a lone or with someone who is equally skilled. Learn to laugh, you'll probably look pretty ridiculous! If you know you'll be embarrassed, then dance a lone, in the privacy of your own home and forget about how you look. Instead focus on how you feel!}

I want to start a dance-party everyday! Maybe I'll even incorporate Baby S!



  1. Reading this made me miss doing Zumba! I have no moves or rhythm, but it is still fun. It is probably the most I have ever shook my booty in public (at least it was at a women's gym though).

    1. I've wanted to do Zumba before. I bought the workout "game" for the x-box kinnect a couple years ago. I've used it all of.... once! LOL! :)
