Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Question for my readers

Hey girls!
I was reading a blog this morning about "Why frumpy makes you grumpy." And it got me thinking...

I have a child under 1 {more accurately, a 9 month old, in 3 days} and it's tough to get myself put together. I NEVER get dressed for the day unless I have to. Yes, I stay in my PJ's with bed-head and all! Don't get me wrong, I like when I get the chance to put myself together {get A SHOWER, do my hair, maybe even some make-up...} but to go through all the effort for, well, "nothing" just seems like such a WASTE of time in my busy schedule. I have to get ready when Baby S is napping. It's pretty difficult to justify {in my mind} spending  wasting time on dawling up during a nap, when I could be cleaning/cooking/anything-I-need-to-get-done-interruption-free. 

Like I said, I got to thinking about it after reading her post. Maybe she has some valid points? Like, maybe it's not for "nothing" and isn't such a waste after all? Hmmmm...

Here's what she says in a nutshell:

  • "I don’t think it was a vanity thing; I just wanted to feel like I was appropriately valuing myself and taking pride in myself."
  • "feeling frumpy is no fun."
  • "It also shows our husbands that we respect them... After all, you’re the only woman he’s allowed to stare at!"
  • "It doesn't need to take much. But it makes you feel more feminine."

Basically, you'll feel "normal"/beautiful/more like your old self if you can do little things for yourself. 
You'll feel better about yourself because you won't feel like a slob.

A.k.a I won't feel so down and negative towards myself. It's nice to lounge in pj's and be completely comfy Every Once in a While, but after doing it everyday... it feels kind of depressing! I also don't feel very attractive and feel bad that my husband comes home to see me look like a hot mess everyday! I know he loves me no matter how good/bad I look, but I also know that, deep down, it's nice to see the one you love looking their best. Quite frankly, as she stated, I'm the one my husband is suppose to look at, want to look at, desire, and stare at. If I'm not looking kept up {and lets be real... being over-weight aside... just the frumpy,dumpy, bed-head look is soo unattractive on a day to day, everyday, basis} then he may have a wandering eye for miss supermodel on tv or at the girl at the store. Not implying he would GO AFTER them, just saying this is a way to keep him from lusting for something else; I would never want to cause my husband to stumble! 
Matthew 5:28
New International Version (NIV)
28 "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

Side note here that is important:
I'm in no way saying it's my duty as a wife to be prim and proper/put together perfectly for my spouse so that he doesn't go have an affair. If that is how this is coming across, you're missing my point entirely. That is a whole other topic and one that I will not be touching with a ten-foot pole. Disagree with me if you want, but I feel a duty to respect my husband. I'm not expected to be put together 24/7, but I am expected to love myself enough to want to be the best I can for my spouse. A man that cheats because he is no longer attracted to his wife is such a lame and pathetic excuse. Like I said, I'm not condoning the idea that it would be the wife's fault if that were their situation. I'm not saying that a woman who is frumpy should expect her spouse to leave her for something better. No. No. No. I'm also not "going there" in this post! Moving on...

My question to my readers...

Did you go through a frumpy phase when you had children? If so, Did you get out of it? What are some things you did for yourself to either: 
  1. not be frumpy or
  2. to get out of the endless cycle of frumpiness.
{Is it sad that besides the "mom jeans" they don't look frumpy to me!?!}

I'm in an extreme case of being frumpy. Like I said, not only do I not see a point to getting dressed, but also just don't have the motivation or energy to do so. It's pretty embarrassing, actually. I look kinda terrifying! HA! My poor husband. He's just use to it now. He still comes home and pretends I look good. He's sweet. {We joke that we need to go to the eye Dr. but to prepare ourselves for what we'll REALLY SEE when we get our new glasses. I say he might ask for his old prescription back!} It's all in jest and good fun. We really do love each other! 


  1. There have been days when I've been lacking a shower, but I have such greasy hair so it gets washed pretty regularly. Also, when the boy was non mobile he would often fall asleep to the sound of my hair dryer, which was more motivation for me to fix my hair :)

    1. LOL Becky, the hair dyer thing sounds like you got pretty lucky! ;) That's a big fat WIN!

    2. I think it was a familiar sound from his days spent in utero. It lulled him right to sleep.

  2. Hi! I caught up and read all your posts I think..
    This post is funny because I just had a frumpy phase epiphany with my work clothes last week. Two outfits went in a Goodwill pile and when I actually thought about it I wondered if they were even good enough for Goodwill.
    I think part of the frumpy problem for moms is not having the time or money after having a baby to organize and update their wardrobe as their bodies recover and change sizes. I feel better after a shower, and never wore makeup before so I don't miss it, but then comes the daunting task of figuring out what to wear. When I went back to work I put together some hand me down and cheap bigger pants and tops to wear, and am just now finding time to try on old clothes to see if they fit to start wearing them. If I'm at home, just putting on a bra and fresh pjs makes me feel better!

    Maybe you could start with picking specific days of the week like Wednesday and Friday to make a point to shower and be girly and get dressed. Then the pj days are special and you get to "dawl" up too.

    1. Hey Cynda! Thanks for reading :)
      I literally LOL'd when you said you wondered if the outfit was good enough for Goodwill!
      I agree, I feel awesome after a shower. They don't happen near enough around here, so I consider getting a shower and putting on a bra to be a successful day too! I don't fit in any of my pre-pregnancy clothes :\ Even my pre-pregnancy FAT clothes. I'm working on it though ;)

      Luckily because of church on Wednesday I do end up getting a shower and getting out of pj's, but it usually is only the last half of the day. I don't do it first thing. Now that its getting nicer out, I think I'll take that advice and pick a day to get "dressed up' and go out... even if I just walk around Target. Thanks for the tip ;)
