Thursday, January 9, 2014

Bettering myself in every way possible

  Not only am I working towards my weight loss goal, but also bettering my overall person. Mind, body and spirit. What does that mean, really? Well for me, when I'm overweight and unhealthy, I'm not the best "me" I can be. I'm more hateful, more withdrawn, lazy, anti-social, unmotivated, depressed and less focused. I'm so unhappy with myself that I tend to be angry/bitter/rude with people that are in a good place in their life or happy. How incredibly selfish and horrible of me?! Well, with the bad comes the good; realization, ownership, apology, repentance, and regret. Since I have recognized this awful behavior, I'm setting out to right my wrongs. 

I feel like I'm in a 12 step program or something! Hi, I'm Lauren and I'm a food addict...

Today I called someone that I didn't show much love or compassion to, when they were in a time of need, because I was so unhappy with my own burdens that I couldn't be "bothered" with other people's problems. *Le Sigh*  I apologized and told them how I'm trying to do better, be better. Luckily for me, we're family and I was forgiven.

Not only have I wronged those I love most, but I've been a horrible example to those that don't even know me. My faith in God and being a Christian is my top priority in life. If I'm too "busy" being negative, depressed, uncaring and hateful, how am I being a light to the world? I'm not! Who would ever be brought to Christ looking at my attitude?  I'm suppose to be set apart from the world and be a light in this dark, dark world. The world tells us "it's my body and I can do what I want" but my body is the LORD's temple. I'm suppose to take care of it! But I digress...

Being healthy in mind, body and spirit is so important to me. It's not just about the weight loss... It's also about being the most loving wife, the best mom, the best friend, the compassionate sister, the helpful daughter, the most "Christ-like" Christian woman that I can be. Being mentally stable. Being emotionally available. Being physically capable. It's all a package deal.

How does being over-weight affect you? Are you held back physically? Are you sure that is all? Is there more to the discomforts of being overweight than you think? If you've never been at your goal weight or if you've never been healthy... You may not know the real you. There could be something or someone bigger than you {not physically..} inside of you that is waiting to be revealed to the world. 

I want to leave you with this challenge...

Name 5 positive things about yourself: *****

  1. I'm funny
  2. I'm a good listener
  3. I'm good at baking (is that good when you're trying to lose weight? Lol!!)
  4. I'm loyal
  5. I'm outspoken (I suppose this could be good or bad depending on whom you ask.)
Name 3 things you love like about your body: *****

  1. My eyelashes
  2. My ...
*****Okay I have to be honest. I literally stared at this part of my post for about 10 minutes just thinking... And thinking... And thinking... And I almost erased this section. I decided to keep it for those who are struggling like me. The point was to uplift myself because of all the negative self talk. I'm constantly criticizing and putting myself down. I wanted to show myself I have positive things to say...
Wow. I really showed myself I have a long way to go. It was almost impossible and unbearable to come up with the first 5. Then the second list was only 3 things I like about my appearance and I couldn't muster up anything. I'm not going to be where I want to be after a few days. These changes don't happen over night.This is a process. When I'm in a better place, a healthier place, I'm 100% positive I'll be able to list several things I love about me.
When I get to that place, I'll make a repost and update!*****


  1. I did your challenge, posted it on my blog, and decided that it was easier to list things about other people :)
    I like your hair and your nose. Self image/esteem is a battle that I believe a high percentage of women struggle with. You are not alone.

  2. Thanks Becky! I agree, it's always easier for me to compliment others rather than myself. Hopefully I can over come that as I mentioned in my post. I'm encouraged knowing I'm not alone in this and hope I can help others who struggle like me! Thanks for reading. I'm going to add your blog to follow.
