Thursday, April 3, 2014

Still learning...

Hello errrbody! I'm feeling good and doing good. It seems like I've already been on plan for weeks. Not in a bad way, but in a "been there done that" kind of way. Or so I thought!
I started relying too heavily on this idea that I had the plan down. OOPS! Wrongo. I made a couple of mistakes a long the way, and was informed {or looked it up to check myself} that those certain choices weren't on plan. I'm PRAYING that this does not affect my first week weightloss!! This is only day 4 so I'm trying to forget about the past choices and start double checking everything. Basically, to call myself out, I had one too many condiments {I believe I'm allowed 3/day} and was interpreting the appropriate carb and sugar counts on items incorrectly. Again, WOOPSY DAISY

I started thinking back to my "day 1" the last time around. How much harder it was for me last time, how many more "symptoms" I had, getting use to smaller portion sizes, and no longer eating junk. It hasn't affected me like that, this time around. It's really encouraging to think it'll be easier this time around....

Until I realize that this time I have many NEW challenges I'm faced with, that I never had to worry about before!

First off, I have a baby now. It's been good and bad. Good because I basically am on his feeding schedule. Bad because I'm a mom now and I put him first. He eats before I do, we clean up, get down and play... and whatdya' know? I forget to eat. UGH! I use to do that at work when I would get super busy with patients, but I thought I wouldn't have that problem this time. Well, I do! 
Secondly, I feed Baby S normal food. I would sometimes sneak little bites of things here and there, and I cannot do that anymore. Temptations anyone?
Thirdly, I'm home all day. This was already a problem and part of why I kept gaining and gaining, but it is very hard when I am eating my Medifast meal and I sit at home with a pantry full of normal food. UGH! Very tempting. I have been VERY GOOD though {I always tell on myself here... and nothing has changed!}

I like that I can keep myself accountable to y'all. I never get judged, rather encouraged. Thank you.

So, I've decided that... like the first time I did this program and had success... I'd go back to the basics. I'm going to print off my cheat sheets {measurements, serving sizes, etc} and refer to them daily! I want to do this RIGHT because typically the first month is the biggest. I am shooting for a 10% weight loss! I want to meet that goal!

I'll be visiting some family this weekend. MAJOR TRIGGER! Traveling in a car, seeing family, getting together to have some fun has always entailed snacks {for the car-ride}, fast food and more food {what else do you do when you're hanging out?}! I'm going to stay strong! I want my weigh-in on Monday to be great! Hoping for at least 5 lbs! 

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