It's been a minute since I've logged onto my blog! Not much has been going on in my world since I last connected with y'all. I gave up on my last "diet." UGGHH! I thought I could go without carbs, but that was just not going to happen!
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Monday, April 6, 2015
Weekly Weigh-In #1
I know it hasn't been a week since I last posted, but it has been a week since I started changing my eating habits. I'll be here posting at least every Monday for my weekly weigh-ins.
Friday, April 3, 2015
Welcome Back!
Why, hello there world. It has been 9 months since my last confes... err post. There has been a lot of things going on in my life since July 2014. Let me fill you in...
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